September 25, 2010

Trick To Fix the Bom Sabado Orkut bug

What is this bug all about??

Social Networking website has been flooded with a pop up message Bom Sabado.
The regular user of Orkut has been facing the problem of bug Sabado. It is an auto generated message which is filing your scrapebooks.
However, it is not clear yet that the Bom Sabado is a virus or not.

A word of advice

But the Orkut user who have faced this problem are advised to change your password and security question. Log out immediately and clear the cookies and history.
Users are also advised not to open such scraps. The bug is hitting your cookies and automatically sending messages to your friend list.
Earlier, popular microblogging website Twitter was also hijacked by a hacker to raise question over the security of the website.

How can it be fixed?

The worm injects a hidden iframe containing a malicious javascript [do not click this], which steals the user cookie which contains the password in an encoded form. So the attacker do not get to know your plaintext password but can login using your credentials by impersonating using the cookie to fool the identification system. So a trivial solution is to diable javascript, another solution is to disable iframes or u can take an advanced measure by blocking the domain by editing your hosts file and redirecting it to a safe address, say

go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\
There is a file named 'hosts'. By default it is read-only. Go to it properties and uncheck the tickmark beside read-only
edit it with you favourite editor.

add this line at the end of it

save it. and then restart your network interface. ( in simple words, just reconnect your interner connection ) and bingo! the worm'll be useless.